~~If you want to be happy you need to take positive actions on your life~~
~~Get your rest. If you are having trouble sleeping at night, perhaps you need to become more active during your day!~~
~~Associate with positive people~~your associations will influence your thoughts, your actions and your attitude~~
~~Read positive books and expand your mind~~
~~Look at your accomplishments~~
~~Set goals for your life, it will give you direction, a place to aim, you will find a passion (if you aim for nothing, you will get there) how much better to be striving for a target than nothing~~
~~Gratitude, gratitude and more gratitude: write a list of things you have to be thankful for~~
~~If you get sidetracked or down, look at your list~~
~~Put on your favorite music~~
~~Take a walk outside for refreshment~~
~~Accentuate the positive--look at the bright side of things~~
Now, go and do something positive for your life and someone you love today!